Slider Section

[slider_section slidename=”slider_section” slideshow=”slides” caption=”true” title=”Slideshow Example” desc=”Display multiple images with beautiful carousel sliders.” slider_position=”right” ]By the way, if the popover was still too small to show what you want, you can go with a full-blown modal window! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Unde, vero voluptas delectus explicabo maxime ad qui incidunt! Saepe, dolor, consequatur, distinctio incidunt unde fuga expedita ducimus maiores tempora quis vitae?[/slider_section]

[slider_section slidename=”YOUR_SLIDE_NAME” slideshow=”SLIDESHOW_SLUG” caption=”TRUE/FALSE” title=”” desc=”” slider_position=”LEFT?RIGHT” ]YOUR_CONTENT_HERE[/slider_section]
Note: “slidename” is your slider name(this is important and unique); “slideshow” is your slideshow slug. “slider_position” options are ‘left’ or ‘right’