• Best Practice: Homeroom Rosters for After-School Classes


    Best Practice: Homeroom Rosters for After-School Classes

    Especially for younger students, the end of the day dismissal can be, to say the least, chaotic. Some students walk home. Some go to after-care. Some go to after-school classes.  At some schools, activity specific busses pick up students, such as karate buses.  Even when classes are quiet and calm, there is still a lot…

  • 2019 – January Review

    2019 – January Review

    There were several enhancements and changes introduced during January.  You can see them all here… Event Parameters Changed: Max class price was raised from $300 to $500. Refunds New: Refunds has now been broken into two groups Refunds: Other and Refunds: Quick Refunds: Other lets you specify the amount of the refund. Why did we add this? Some schools, in conjunction…