Jim Rohrer
Author: Jim Rohrer
COVID-19 Update: Online Classes
Most after-school classes got cancelled, but many providers are moving online. One School Twist client, Ascendly, has moved their classes online. Ascendly now teaches live, instructor-led, LEGO engineering class. You can Register Now, or join their mailing list to learn about their at-home learning opportunities, to hear about new online offerings and their other DIY activity ideas. Most of…
Best Practice: Homeroom Rosters for After-School Classes
Especially for younger students, the end of the day dismissal can be, to say the least, chaotic. Some students walk home. Some go to after-care. Some go to after-school classes. At some schools, activity specific busses pick up students, such as karate buses. Even when classes are quiet and calm, there is still a lot…
2019 – January Review
There were several enhancements and changes introduced during January. You can see them all here… Event Parameters Changed: Max class price was raised from $300 to $500. Refunds New: Refunds has now been broken into two groups Refunds: Other and Refunds: Quick Refunds: Other lets you specify the amount of the refund. Why did we add this? Some schools, in conjunction…
2018 Year in Review
Here is what we’ve been up to, and where we’re going. In 2018, we worked with our key Beta users to fine-tune the features and workflow needed to make running an after-school enrichment program reasonably easy, and we’ll keep chipping away at the process until we’ve made running an enrichment program as streamlined as possible. I…
Out of Beta!
I’m happy to announce that School Twist is officially out of Beta! We finally killed off the last bug, processed our last tuition dollar, and added our final feature (for now). We’ll continue refining School Twist and adding the new features that help the parents and volunteers that run enrichment programs. Our goal will always…
PTO Surveys
As we said earlier, there is an easy way to gather feedback from parents at your school by conducting an online survey. We’ve done lots of surveys over the years and we’re posting one here to help you gather ideas. Please feel to use any or all of this survey in your own school. We…
How are you doing? Ready to prove it?
I think most PTOs (Parent Teacher Organizations) know how well they are doing. You are probably working hard. You probably had a good fundraiser, or not. But I’ve seen a few different PTOs and they suffer the same problem that many organizations face. They think they know their strengths and weaknesses, but they don’t…